Baby Boy Digital Scrapbook Kit
In an identical, modern flat icon style that coordinates well with the other Baby collections, the Baby Boy Digital Scrapbook Kit has 100 digital art embellishments that will suit every need for the little boys and sons in your life. Elements include an assortment of baby food, toys, cameras, bottles, clothespins, clothes, thermometer and medicine bottles, stuffed animals (sock monkeys, cow, sheep, monkey, owls, rubber duckies, teddy bears) paper dolls, piggy bank and coins, presents, rattles, rocket ship, boat, anchor, scooter, tricycle, bicycle, school bus, shoes, socks, luggage, toothbrush, tooth and paste, whale, train, tops, wind-up and pull string mechanisms, race car, dump truck, pacifier, star and moon, fruit, sports balls, diapers, hand and foot prints, and so much more!Kit Includes:
• 115 Embellishments
Coordinating Collections